
One of his Latest words is ‘night night’. He loves to climb into our bed and tuck himself in under the covers. Other new words :

‘oh no’ – when something has been dropped
‘wow wee’ – when something exciting happens, such as climbing onto his car and then doing no handed.
‘more’ – obvious this one!
‘gargash’ – eyelash – for tickles with my eyelashes
‘worm’ – we keeping finding worms on the compost bin lid
‘uh oh’ – similar to ‘oh no’
‘gangad’ – GC
‘gargar’ – GDK
‘fork’ – fork
‘poon’ – spoon
‘bow’ – bowl
‘bar’ – bike

He talks all the time in his own language and sometimes it is difficult to work out what he is saying. He will look up at us and earnestly say something and we will not have a clue what he is on about!

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