Illness has become a common theme. Jake has been ill, Mia too. Now last week both Amy and myself succumbed to an awful stomach bug. So that was the whole Wollny family taken out with it.
I had a call from the school on Wednesday. Amy was in London with Sheena and couldn’t be contacted. So I left work and after waiting 30 mins for a bus that never came decided to walk to the station. This took less time than I thought it would, around 20 minutes. I’ll have to remember that in future.
Anyway, Amy eventually contacted me and was able to pick poor Jake up while I manfully struggled to get home. It took me 2 1/2 hours in the end. Half an hour more than if I had cycled the whole way. Talking of cycling, the last week of extremely cold weather has taken its toll. So I decided to don my ‘civvies’ and pootle to Waterloo. I had forgotten how horrible O.K.R is. Also I dispensed with my helmet and just wore my red woollen cap. It seemed that this was a magnet for every idiotic driver in London. Just as I was cruising up Spur Road into Waterloo a van parked on the left decided to pull out in front of me without indicating. After fishtailing wildly I managed to swerve out of his way. On the way home after navigating the truly horrendous O.K.R I was almost hit by a car as I negotiated the one-way system around Goldmiths College. The driver overtook me with about 6 inches space to my left. Stupid arse that he is.
On a lighter note last week Jake had his Christmas Nativity play. All the reception children were angels this year. The play was called The Snow Queen and it was very good. They all acted and sang beautifully. I videoed the whole event from the balcony which was a great spot but alas the sound wasn’t brilliant. It was okay when everyone was singing but you cannot really hear any dialogue.
Mia is standing with confidence now although she has yet to due the classic ‘cruising shuffle’. She has started to point at things that catch her eye. The other day Jake and I were calling to each other. I was upstairs changing Baby M and Jake was downstairs. Mia started to copy us by doing little bellows and saying what sounded like ‘Jake!!’.
Mia’s week of whingeing has come to an end thank god. She went through a stage when you could not put her down for a second. Amy’s back was very sore for the whole week. The happy smiley Mia is back now and let’s hope the little lamb stays that way :-).