Toddling along

Jake’s latest developments 🙂

  • Flapping arms when you say ‘arms’
  • Shaking his hands when you say ‘where are your hands?’
  • Spinning on the spot(this has replaced the breakdancing)
  • Throwing things
  • Having minor tantrums
  • Going to sit in his ‘den’ in between the sofa and the DVD cabinet
  • He knows : eyes, mouth, ears, tummy, arms, hands, hair, tongue

Yesterday while reading his story his said the word ‘ there’ instead of ‘dere’ which was quite impressive. Sometimes he says a realistic ‘hello’ but only seldom does it come out this way.

I started reading Hairy Mclary to him which he loves! He also likes pointing at the objects in his picture book. Hw knows quite a few items in the garden, food, beach and garage section but not many in the school section 🙂

He is basically a pet lamb kebob

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