Jake has been poorly this week. Upon returning from our trip to the Isle of Wight last weekend he had a very croaky throat and was off his food. We took this to mean that his throat was sore. However we soon realised that another tooth was on it’s way. His left cheek was fiery red and he was in the most grotty mood I have seen. He just didn’t know what to do with himself. He would put out his arms to be picked up and then immediately want to be put down. All the time we would be grumbling and would often burst into tears when one of us left the room for a split second. He has been off his food for three or four days and his little body has got a lot thinner :-(.
I think he is over the worst though. Yesterday he had his supper without any complaints and even avoided throwing his blueberries across the kitchen. He is still crying when we put him down at night though. Yesterday he cried for maybe 30 seconds which was a lot better then the previous night when I had to stay in his room soothing him into he drifted off.
Today Jake has his MMR jab so I wonder what mood he will be in tonight?