Mia is still officially the most smiley baby in the world ever! She is just so happy and contented. She only cries when she really wants something. She will wake up gently mewling. We will go into her bedroom and she will look up and give us a big gummy smile. It really does melt you heart.
After waking, she is not that fussed about having her milk. She usually waits for a bit before remembering that she hasn’t had a drink for 8 hours then she starts to bellow a little. She likes to sit on the sofa near the telly. I don’t usually turn it on as she is not that fussed about watching it. I’m sure that will change at some point. I place Amy’s nursing pillow around her so that she doesn’t inadvertently tumble and she just sits there happily playing with her toys(when I say playing I really mean gumming).
She has started to take solid food. This morning she had porridge with prune and apples, which she wolfed down.
There has also been the tentative start to her crawling career. She can confidently roll onto her back and tummy and has been doing so for a month or so. The new development is that she gets up onto her knees and rocks backwards and forwards and then often pushes herself backwards. This is generally NOT the way she actually wants to go and ends up in a series of bellows. “Ok Daddy I’ve had enough of this crawling malarky, can you pick me up now?”