
Tante has come to visit for the weekend all the way from Denmark. It was great to see her again after almost a whole year! Jake was very excited when he woke on Saturday morning. In fact he was so excited that when Tante came downstairs he didn’t know how to cope with such excitement and ended up putting his head in his toy box while uttering great shrieks of delight :-).

Today we ventured out into the cold to visit Mudchute farm. We left the house quite early which was good because the cafe at the farm was not as busy. Jake enjoyed sharing my refrigerator cake with me which was yum! We are hoping to go to Ladywell Fields later as Lise hasn’t seen it in its improved form. Jake went to bed about an hour ago so I’m hoping he will wake around 3.30pm although I very much doubt it.

Errm. It didn’t happen. Jake eventually had to be roused at 4.30pm. Oh the life of a toddler!

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