Jake has been exploring his environment more and making his own decisions. For example this afternoon after he had gone down for his nap, I heard noises. I thought nothing of it, then later when he woke I went into his room and saw that a teddy and a book had materialised in his bed. He had got up and mooched about in his room. Something he has never done before.
Tonight, I changed his bed linen because he had an accident last night. I put the boudoir pillow on top of his normal one. He told me that he didn’t want his little one so I put it at the end of his bed. I have just gone up and the big pillow is on the floor and he has popped the little pillow under his head.
As a side note, Jake no longer wears a nappy and training pants as of sometime last week. So far he has only had one accident, which is pretty good I think!