It was a strange old night. Jake kept waking up and calling for us. When I went in he was very hot and sweaty but perfectly fine in himself. After the fifth time of hearing “Daddy” I went into his room. Jake said “Daddy, when glass breaks it is sharp. There is glass in the corner of the garden”. He was wide awake and chatting away. I said that maybe we should have this chat in the morning and not at midnight. Luckily he did go back to sleep although I thought I heard him a little later but by that time I had started to drift off.
He woke at 6.30am as right as rain and again chatting away. I have decided to work from home. 1. because I am shattered and 2. because it is pouring with rain.
We drove Jake to school which I have to say is becoming a habit. He looked like he was about to drift off in the car but luckily he managed to stave off the impending sleeps.