The Skyride 2009 has come and gone. Colin, Ben and I met up at Ladywell Fields at 10.00am. There were a lot more riders than last year. In fact we were split into two groups in order to manager the numbers more effectively. The first group left just after 10am and our group left at 10.15am. The guy leading us really didn’t know where he was going. In fact, Ben was giving him directions at one point.
I’m not sure but I think that the event has become a victim of its own success. There were so many riders that it became difficult to actually stay on the bike.
The event was pretty much the same as last year with the addition of ‘pit stops’ where you could rest and check your bike before continuing to the traffic-free course.
Again, as last year the weather was glorious. At the end of the ride we collected out goody bags and tucked into our picnic.
Ben took us on another route back along the Thames Path on the north side of the river. It was nice to pootle along the river and around the glass edifices of Canary Wharf. What definitely wasn’t nice was carrying our bikes down and then up the stairs at either end of the Greenwich foot tunnel :-(.