I spent yesterday evening finishing off the bike service. The first job was to adjust the brake pads front and rear. This was easy. The gears however were a different story. At least they were until I looked up on the internet how to do it. After that everything was plain sailing.
On the derailleur there are two screws marked H for high and L for low. These set how far the derailleur can travel.
The screw marked H sets the limit of the highest gear which is the smallest cog. The screw marked L sets the limit of the lowest gear which is the largest cog. To set these correctly you unclip or unscrew the gear cable then starting at the smallest cog adjust the screw until the chain runs nice and smooth. You then manually push the derailleur up to the largest cog as far as it will go then again adjust the screw.
The next step is to adjust the gears. Bring the derailleur back to the smallest cog then tighten up the cable adjuster as far as it will go. The adjuster can be found at the derailleur end of the gear cable as it enters the mechanism.
Now select the next gear. If the gear engages correctly then great, job done! It is most likely that the chain will ‘snatch’ or will not move to the next cog at all. In this case, slowly turn the crank while unscrewing the cable adjuster. When the gear engages then the job is done. Try moving up and down the gears and you will see that they work perfectly, well at least they did when I did it :-).
Odometer : 1210 miles