Second Tooth

Cue fanfare please. Ta da da da da da DAAAAAA. I am pleased to announce that Baby M is now the proud owner of two teeth :-). The second peg came via stealth. In appeared not in the usual place in the lower jaw next to the first tooth. No, it appeared in her upper jaw and was only found by Amy accidently when she was fishing out a rather large piece of bread.
This explains the multiple waking in the night and the general miserable demeanour.

She is much happier now I am glad to say. Mia’s crawling has come along nicely. She has mastered the art of speed crawling albeit in small bursts. Yesterday I put her in the cot while I got Jake out of the bath and dried him off. We went back into Mia’s room to find her gripping her cot rail and standing proudly while beaming at the both of us.

Okay, so that’s two chores to be done a.s.a.p. 1. sort out the stair gates 2. lower the cot base

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