Last night on the the way home I did something a little naughty. I was bombing up the Old Kent Road trying to catch an LCC member as I approached a set of traffic lights.

Now as far as I am concerned the lights were changing from amber to red as I passed but I supposed I could have stopped in time, just. Mr LCC member saw it another way and shouted “RED LIGHT” as I flew past. This spurred me on to crank the pedals even faster in a case I incurred more of Mr LCC’s wrath(luckily I didn’t).

I have to say 99% of the time I stop at red lights while others gaily cycle past so I don’t feel too bad about my lack of judgement in this particular instance. Unlike Mr Knob Singlespeed who just about jumped every red light on the O.K.R. Yes I know you guys have only one gear and it makes your “poor leggy weggies” ache when you have to keep stopping and starting at traffic lights but come on, this is the price you pay for being a fashion victim surely. Have some balls guys! They are just scared because they will always be beaten by us gearies at the lights ;-).

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