Yesterday afternoon I received a text message from Ben asking if I would be up for a cheeky pootle in the evening. I said yes although to preserve my legs I promised myself that I would take it easy on the way home from work.I did take it easy most of the way until a hipster on a SS/FG insisted on jumping every red light along the Queens Road, Peckham. This riled me somewhat so I hadto have his scalp. I put the hammer down and took him just as I was passing Camberwell College of Arts. Then it was a game of catch up while we both swerved in and out of the traffic by Peckham Library(a lovely stretch of road). I finally beat him into submission and claimed my crown as my sped up the hill past Sainsburys at New Cross. The poor guy had no hope.
I met Ben later at 8pm ‘by the bogs’ in Hilly Fields. He suggested we check out the new cafe-cum-workshop-cum-bar called Look Mum No Hands on Old Street. Great idea! We bolted down to the A20 then crossed the road at St. Johns where we hooked up onto LCN 21. This took us to Greenwich and along the foot tunnel. From there we made our way to Limehouse Basin and onto the Regents Canal towpath. By this time it was drizzling enough to make the path slippery so we were very mindful of not ending up in the canal.
It didn’t take us long to get to the cafe and once our bikes were safely stored in the racks we toasted our endeavour with a well earned beer, or two. It was very relaxing sitting there chatting away amongst like-minded individuals.
At just after ten the owner announced that we had 5 minutes to finish up or she would take our drinks. Then she started to bang and clatter around while lifting up the tables and stowing away the seats. When the alloted 5 minutes were up, she approached Ben with a paper cup for his remaining beer. He waved her away and finished his drink. This pestering marred the evening somewhat. What is wrong with ‘time gentlemen please at 9.30pm? This gives people the chance to finish in a relaxing manner. Overall though the experience was a good one.
The way back was an all-out blast to Ladywell via Rotherhithe. Alas by the time we got back to Masons it was 11pm and they had shut up shop. No fear though we retired to Numero Sesenta for a few stubbies and a chat in the garden. I eventually turned in around 1am so I am a little bleary eyed this morning :-(.