It’s Tuesday afternoon and rather cooler than recent days. I spent what seemed like most of my
lunch hour queueing at Staines Post Office. I don’t like Post Offices. The hushed environment lends these places an uncomfortable semi-official atmosphere. Almost as if you are shuffling towards an
unknown fate at the hands of a stern-faced offical on the other side of the glass. To be fair the lady at the counter was very nice, so I will stop dwelling on Kafka-esque scenarios. I’ll leave those for my next
visit to Ikea in Croydon 🙁
Last night I had a sesh playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 with Balam. It’s good but has a slightly creaky feel. I think it was rushed because the areas around the gameplay itself are a little muddled. For instance every time you do anything in the menu system you are asked whether the want to save your profile. Then you are presented with an ‘are you sure?’ dialogue followed by a ‘you are about to overwrite an existing profile’ dialogue. Finally a million clicks later an ‘ok’ button pops up to tell you the save was successful. Very annoying.