Cycle Superhighway launch

It was a lovely summers morning. I set off from the house at 6am. Which way to go? I decided to go via Peckham Rye. I didn’t fancy the horrible roadworks on the A202/A202 which have caused me grief on more than one occasion.

As I entered Clapham Common I saw the launch tent for the Cycle Superhighways. For today is the day when the first two of Boris’s babies go live. I should have stopped because I learnt afterwards that they were giving away free bidons. I’m always up for a freebie you know.

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Record breaker

This morning I beat my personal best average speed for the commute to work. Strangely I did a slightly longer commute, but one which avoided some of the busier, traffic light infested roads, which is probably why the average is higher.

The route was great and took in parks, rivers and quiet back streets.

Distance:26.9 miles
Average speed:15.7 mph
Maximum speed:32.3 mph
Ride time:1:42:34
Elapsed time:1:51:25 Continue reading “Record breaker”

Mia’s developments

Only 4 days to go until she is 6 months old. Recently she has been making different vowel sounds. Baa, Daa, Maa, Gaa. That sort of thing. Her rolling is coming on nicely. She can roll from her back to front and back again with no problem. In fact she is scarily fast at doing this. Yesterday she fell off our bed :-(. Luckily she was fine, just a little shocked. Good job she’s so squashy :-).

Favourite saying of ours at the moment “That’s my baby! She SO squashy!”

She has started to sit up quite steadily. You have to be on hand as she still has the habit of lurching back or to the side.

Her coordination is pretty good now too. She can generally put her hand out and grab something that has caught her attention.

Sports Day

I took the half day off to attend Jake’s very first Sports Day at St. Dunstans. This was for the nursery children only. The reception children along with all the parents of course, came to watch.
It was a well organised event. The children were split into groups of four, one for each lane. They then took it in turns to run the races. We had ‘walk with ring on the head’ race, egg and spoon race, sack race, ‘collect the bean bags’ race, space hopper race(a particular favourite of mine) and finally the sprint.

Continue reading “Sports Day”

Mia has chicken pox

The Pox!

As expected, Mia has come down with Chicken Pox. As with Jake she had no real symptoms until the first spot appeared.Paul and the girls were going to come over on Saturday but I noticed the spot and Amy confirmed it was chicken pox. I phoned Paul and we have rearranged the visit for next week to be safe.

Poor Mia now has dozens of spots mostly over her face, nappy area and stomach. Poor angel, she has a cluster of them around her eyes and even on her eyelids :-(.

I think we are feeling worse looking at her than she is actually feeling. She occasionally tries to swipe her face and when on her back does a little wriggle but apart from that she just wants to be cuddled, which we are absolutely happy to do!

Kind of in a daze

That’s how I feel today. I went to bed late last night after watching Big Brother(yes I know).

Mia woke at midnight for a feed. I scooped her little frame up and we went downstairs to prepare, and drink her milk. I usually do this in the lounge were the light has a dimmer. I put it in the lowest setting so that she retains a sleepy demeanour.

I went back to bed until Mia woke at 3am for her second feed. The same drill as before. She drank her milk nicely then settled back to sleep without a hitch. I dragged myself back into bed at 3am. As I was about to drift off “Daddy I need you!”. In a semi-zombie-like state I hauled my weary frame out of bed and went to investigate. Continue reading “Kind of in a daze”