Chats and hiding

Jake was an utter beast when I arrived home yesterday, explained by the fact that he only had one hour for his nap in the afternoon. I called him to come and have a cuddle and to say hello, which he ignored completely :-(. I decided to put him to bed so that he could rest. He must have been tired because he didn’t complain at all, which makes a change.

I read his story and said goodnight. Later on he was calling down. Amy went up and said that he wanted to give Daddy a cuddle :-). I went up and we had a ‘chat with hiding’. This is something Jake likes to do. One has to get under his duvet and then chat about the days events. I tell him what I did and he tells me what he got up to. It’s very sweet.

Easter Weekend

True to form the weather this long weekend has been ghastly, albeit apart from some nice sunshine on Monday. We took advantage of this and headed over to the fair at Blackheath.

Jake spied the Thomas slide but the man told us it was a little too steep for him. Luckily next door was another less steep slide. It was scary watching our little Jake scaling the cargo net while the bigger boys and girls zoomed up around him like ants.

To his credit he got to the top. I could see him mouthing the words “scary”. Nonetheless he launched himself from the top. His look of terror turned to a beaming grin by the time he got to the bottom :-).

The cost of cycling is scary Part 4

Another update to my cycling costs is due.

My last total was £223 in October 2008. I cycled most of the winter except when we had that cold snowy, frosty spell which would be around 2 weeks. So if I start from November 2008 I would have saved £80. Unfortunately from January the train fares changed. It now costs the same from Ladywell to Feltham as Waterloo to Feltham so I no longer save anything! I did do a one-off ride from my house to Feltham which saved a tenner.

Total savings:
November 2008 £40
December 2008 £40
January 2009 £10

Updated total £223-£90 = £133

Since then I have bought :
Gilet £30
Merino long sleeve base layer £31
Sealskinz thermal socks £22
Buff £11
Foska Tangent Jacket £73
Brake pads £8

New total £133 + £175 = £308

Midnight water

Jake woke at 7.20ish after a restless night. He woke in the middle of the night asking for water. I got him some in his orange sippy cup. He took a drink them as looking at me. I asked if he was okay and he said “Kiss”. What an absolute angel. I’m hoping his good nights sleep will make him more amenable for Amy today. Yesterday he was in a very contrary mood.

I just spoke to him on the phone and he proudly told me that he had put his pyjamas on himself with the label behind :-).

Beautiful Day

Well, it wasn’t so good when I left the house. A mild drizzle was emanating from the sky. Now that I am in Bedfont, it is sunny with a light wind and a lovely blue sky. As I was walking to the office I saw a lady in full cycle commuter garb having just locked her bike up in the racks. I felt a pang of jealousy. Should I try the mega-commute again? If so, I will build up to it in stages I think. Richmond or Putney should suffice to start with. Although if I cycle to Putney I only have the option of taking the semi-fast service, so it’s horses for courses really.

Spring cycling

I have just arrived home and my eyes are itching madly. Yes, it must be Spring! I have ditched the winter gloves and lovely Tangent jacket and replaced them with my short-fingered gloves and a spanking new Endura Laser gilet, which I purchased on Saturday for £30.

Combined with my Merino wool top the gilet is just the ticket for those chilly Spring mornings. I opted for the blue one and I am getting a little fed up of day-glo yellow. It’s a nice bit of kit. It wraps up very small, has a mesh back and reflective piping all-round. The high-neck keeps the neck warm and it has a drop tail for a perfect cycling fit.

Monsters vs. Aliens

While Amy was away in the states I took Jake to see the titular film at the Greenwich Picturehouse for a 1pm screening. It was a bit of a mare actually getting to Greenwich as the traffic was appalling due the one-way restriction on the A2. In the end I dumped the car(not literally you understand) at the bottom of Vicars Hill and took the DLR to Greenwich.

We were just in time to pop into Greggs to buy a sandwich and some goodies before the film started. I also treated Jake to some popcorn.

He loved the film but jumped a few times when things got a little too loud. A couple of times he piped up but overall he was a very well-behaved little boy :-).

Something is afoot at the Circle K

Jake has been exploring his environment more and making his own decisions. For example this afternoon after he had gone down for his nap, I heard noises. I thought nothing of it, then later when he woke I went into his room and saw that a teddy and a book had materialised in his bed. He had got up and mooched about in his room. Something he has never done before.

Tonight, I changed his bed linen because he had an accident last night. I put the boudoir pillow on top of his normal one. He told me that he didn’t want his little one so I put it at the end of his bed. I have just gone up and the big pillow is on the floor and he has popped the little pillow under his head.

As a side note, Jake no longer wears a nappy and training pants as of sometime last week. So far he has only had one accident, which is pretty good I think!

More DIY in the Loft

Adam and Jo came to help with the DIY this weekend. I am quite pleased with the progress we made. The spare bedroom is now complete, except for the door which has been taken off for painting. It looks very good and has calming colour scheme of turquoize and brown. Three walls are a neutral creamy white.

The wall behind the bed has been wallpapered . It has a flowery pattern in gold, brown and turquoize. Very swish.

We also make a start on the office room. I went out to Homebase and bought some ‘Lumitec’ paint. Apparently it reflects 50% more light than normal paint. I would vouch for that as it is quite dazzling when the light hits it! We managed to finish the whole room with a first coat, but sadly it needs another one because the paint is quite thin.

Jake is three

Jake is now three!! Yay. We had a family do at The Bluebell Railway. We were a little tight for time because the traffic out of London was atrocious because of the roadworks on the A2. Also we had to contend with a random accident about 5 miles from the railway which resulted in a huge traffic jam.
We arrived just before Trudi and Chand, and after getting out of the car realised that we had forgotten Jake’s shoes! Amy scooped Jake up while I helped Trudi and Chand. We had reserved half of the train carriage but the few ‘interlopers’ that were sitting there soon dispersed after the first scheduled train stop. I think we may have been a little noisy ;-).

Jake’s disco party went really well on Monday. It was a lovely day so I set to work cleaning the patio area and cutting the grass while Amy made a start on cleaning the house and preparing the food. DK arrived at around 11am with the disco gear. We had some decks, ropes lights and a revolving ball light. Jake looked great in his Elvis outfit complete with cape and gold belt.

The weather was brilliant, the hottest day of the year so far. All the children were charging around the garden. Jake received some great presents including : a bumper Thomas jigsaw set, a playmobil rubbish truck, a sticker book and a radio controlled camper van amongst others. The only squabble of the day concerned Jake’s wheelbarrow. All the children took a shine to it. Stanley in particular loved filling it with stones from the bottom of the garden and then depositing them at random place on the lawn :-(.