New Year DIY

DSCN2503Nine days in so far. We have been busy as busy things getting the spare room converted into a nursery in time for the birth. We have managed to move out the computer desk which was quite a big task. Yesterday, I had a wheeze to put up some large curtains behind the bed in our bedroom. The reason for this was to lighten the room and hide the wardrobe spaces. We toodled into town and bought two curtains and one voile panel along with three thin curtain poles.
My idea was to place a pair of thick curtains either side of the bed and hang the thinner voile from the middle where the chimney breast is. There is a slight overhang at the end of the room where some pipes are boxed in so this was perfect for hanging the voile. The other two curtain poles where mounted on the walls near the ceiling. I must say that the effect is pretty good and really makes the room look lighter, bigger and less cluttered.

DSCN2509Yesterday our changer/drawer unit arrived from Mamas and Papas. It looks very nice in the nursery. Everything is coming together nicely. All we need now is the cot which apperently should arrive this week. On Wednesday we start our Parentcraft classes which are being held at Lewisham hospital. That reminds me I had better check the train times so I get home at a reasonable time in order to drive down there. ‘He’ has been very active recently. According to me ‘big book of baby facts'(not the actual title but you get the picture 🙂 ) it says that the activity should wane this week due to limited room in the uterus. Over the next seven weeks, he will gain more than half his birthweight. Quite amazing really!

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