Well, I’ve kind of succeeded in keeping up the cycling over the winter. Of course the run up to Christmas was a non-starter. So far this year I have done the mega 30 mile commute twice, the other times I have succumbed to the 10k ride to Waterloo station. Every time I do this it is costing me £12.30(plus cappuccino at the station!) so I have a financial incentive to cycle all the way. I don’t mind too much the dark mornings or even the cold. Not that it has been very cold recently, winter is yet to kick in. What I do not like is the rain. Two and a half hours of cycling in the wind and rain is no fun I can tell you!
Mia has settled back in her routine with Sara. She had a bit of a wobble for a few days last week. Jake is back at school too. He has been struggling to wake in the morning even though he has been having plenty of sleep. I think his system is still shocked at having to work hard at school after a nice long holiday. Mia has gone from being a Daddy’s girl back to wanting Mummy all the time. She’s a fickle little soul :-).
Last night she woke crying at midnight. I waited for a while to see if she would settle but alas no. In the end I got up and gave her 4 oz of milk. I think she may be going through a growth spurt at the moment. Amy and I have been taking turns doing Mia and Jake in the evening. When I have Mia I get her milk ready. Mia tells me if she would like it warmed up or not. We then go upstairs or ‘dares’ as Mia says and she has her stories. We then brush our teeth and go in to the loft room to look at the ‘pretty lights’ and Canary Wharf ‘worp’. If the moon is visible she gets very excited and says ‘mood!’. She then says goodbye to the lights and I put her in her sleeping back and take her into her room and lay her down in her cot. At this point if she is nice and tired she nuzzles into her taggie.
When I have Jake he brushes his teeth(after which he usually asks for a ‘bapple’!) and we settle down to read Harry Potter. Jake will read his school book to me. When I switch the light out there is usually a degree of procrastination. Jake will say things like “will you rest with me for a little while?” or “can I have an apple?” or “I’m hungry”. The other day none of this happened. Jake simply said “goodnight!” followed by “have a nice evening”. Immediately I was suspicious. I asked Amy where the Nintendo DS was. “In his room”, she replied. He had been sneakily having a quick game of Lego Batman under the covers 🙂