At exactly nine months old baby Mia has cut her first tooth. A fine looking tooth it is too! At first when Amy told me I couldn’t see it but after careful inspection I saw an almost transparent line almost at gum level.
This explains her watery, acid smelling, toxic poos that she has been producing over the last few days. Also it explains her bad mood :-).
Mia continues to crawl and has started to explore the house. This means I must get cracking with the stair gate(s) a.s.a.p. She also responds to our names now. If I say “Mia, where’s Daddy”, after a little prompting she will look over at me and say “Dadda!”.
Jake is on half-term this week and next. There are lot’s of play dates arranged. Sam, Conrad and Isabella, Gabriel and Laurie, Martha, Antonia. So he should have plenty to do.
Jake is now learning to write two actual words, ‘and’ and ‘the’. The words he knows so far are ‘it,is,stop,come,we,lost,home,where,here,digger,help,here,the,and’.
Quite a lot really. He has been doing really well!