It’s funny how things turn out. I was at work and a colleague received an email from these guys with an amazing offer for the worlds smallest mini dv camera. With the discount it was a touch over £15. I had to have one!
A few days later the little gadget arrived. I wasn’t expecting much. Yes, the manual was unreadable and yes, the device felt quite flimsy but for fifteen smackers what can one expect? As long as it works. I took the tiny camera out of the box and dropped it on the floor. Oops. I then realised that the lens didn’t seem to be in middle of the casing. I poked it and it moved. I though maybe that it was wired and had a little ‘give’.
I then proceeded to charge the camera. I waited and waited and waited. Several hours later the little red light was still lit. I powered it on and the little red light was still lit. I tried to power it off but again the light would not turn off. I then decided to open up the little beastie. To my dismay I found that the lens assembly had popped off the main circuit board. I plugged it back in but by now it had royally been toasted. No lights, nada.
A couple of days later I decided to purchase something a little more robust so I took the plunge and bought the pukka article, namely a Veho Muvi Atom.
The difference in build quality is like chalk and cheese. The body is made from alloy and the switches are proper ones, not spongy push buttons. Moreover, the thing worked and the results are very impressive. I have read in many forums that the muvi clones are pretty much on a par with the real muvi devices. This I don’t doubt. What I am very dubious about is their longevity. Yes, it costs £15 but if it expires after a few months then personally I’d rather get something a little more robust. I think this one will take South London’s potholes with aplomb.
How much did I pay for the Muvi Atom? Ahem. £60(said in a low voice).
So there you have it. I bought a camera on a whim because it was cheap and ended up spending four times as much. So like I say, it’s funny how things turn out…