Mia has started babbling. This is usually as a stream of nonsensical noises. The other day she stood on her own for a few seconds which was a great leap forward. She was very pleased about this and was beaming as she realised that she was standing on her own.
She is very cute. When you say “kisses Mia” she comes in slowly and offers either her cheek or lips. She has also been very helpful in the kitchen making Daddy’s tea. Holding her, I move towards the cupboard at which point she opens it, then selects a cup(usually the Nbr 1 Daddy mug). I then open tea bag tin and she picks one out before dropping it in the cup.
Jake also helps by squeezing the tea bag and carefully pouring in the milk. Jake makes a wonderful cuppa!
Jake and I have been playing the Dr Who adventure game which he loves although I end up doing most of the tricky parts such as creeping past red drone Daleks!