Little Mia was two on Wednesday! I took the day off to tidy up and generally help get everything ready. For lunch Amy and I took ourselves over to Blackheath to Giraffe. I had a tasty burger and fries and Amy had a Vietnamese salad which was new that day, and according to Ames extremely tasty.
We had planned to have Xanthe and Bea over for Mia’s party. Unfortunately Xanthe was poorly so she couldn’t make it. So in the end it was just Mia, Bea, Charlotte and Antonia. Amy made a nice sponge cake which was decorated with some sparklers. We sang ‘happy birthday’ while Amy brought over the cake. Mia was unsure about the sparklers so she nuzzled into my shoulder while looking warily at the cake. Then all the children had their tea in the kitchen on paper party plates.
Mia loved her new birthday scooter and has been rolling around the house on it. She also loves her new baby doll and paraphernalia. She likes to place the nappy on top of the baby and then picks up the nappy, puts it to her nose and says “smelly!” or “poo!”. Very cute.
She has just started to say “I like it” or “I don’t like it”. The latter is quite amusing. With a great flourish and shaking of the head she states that she doesn’t like something with a very earnest expression. Again very cute 🙂
At the weekend I took Mia and Jake to the park to go scootering. Mia would not let me help her push the scooter even up the hill or when she went careering off the path and into the grass. She is adamant about doing it all herself. Such a difference to young Jake :-). I think Greenwich would be better, Hilly Fields is a little too, well, hilly! It was stressful to try and slow her down when she didn’t want me to touch her or the scooter. She ended up getting a little cross when I picked her and the scooter up to cross the road at the park entrance.
All the Wollny’s have been ill recently. Amy has had an awful throat/tonsil infection and was put on heavy-duty antibiotics. Jake has had his usual hacking cough and cold. Mia who is usually quite resilient when it comes to colds also has had a very runny nose and cough to go with it. Last week I too succumbed to the lerg but as I write this I am truly on the mend. Just a little sniffly.
Today is an auspicious day. As well as being the Chinese New Year, Amy started her work placement in Grove Park. She has been tasked with writing a welcome pack for the company to inform customers what they should expect from their service. I think it is a charity which helps elderly people after they have come out of hospital. I’ll know more tonight when she comes home.