Mia can now sit up from a crawling position. I seem to remember that with Jake this took a lot longer. It somes like yesterday that Mia started to crawl. Well done Mia!
While I was working from home Amy brought Mia up looking very worried. She asked me to look into her mouth. What I saw filled me with horror. I saw that the roof of her mouth was blue/black with what seemed to be white pustules on the gums.
Mia herself was absolutely fine but we as you can imagine her rather worried. We made a hasty appointment at the Doctors and whisked her round there. We were seen very quickly(well done Hilly Fields clinic). The Doctor had a trainee with him. She took a look and said she had never seen anything like it and looked shocked. The Doctor took a look and said that it looked more blue than black. He proceeded to tweeze out a large piece of soggy paper that Mia had been chewing on and had got plastered to the roof of her mouth. The white ‘pustules’ turned out to be the torn edges of the blue paper.
We felt like utter berks!