The weather didn’t look promising for the party. Grey leaden skies were the order of the day with light drizzly rain. The bouncy castle man arrived at around midday. He asked us if we were sure that we wanted it seeing as the weather was bad.We were wavering until Jake came to the door and held onto my leg. His little expectant face swung the balance and we decided to go for it. Within 20 minutes the beast was up and Jake was having a jolly old bounce inside. I have to admit that Amy and I joined him and it was great fun. All poor Mia could do was look on from the kitchen :-(.
Amy did an excellent job with the spread. We had a light sabre cake, blueberry muffins, quiche, star sandwiches and cookies. All home-made. From 2.30pm our guests began to arrived. Initially the children all ran upstairs to Jake’s bedroom. I went up there and said “Okay who wants to go on the bouncy castle?” to which they all replied in unison “Me! Me! Me!”. Then they all charged downstairs and the fun began. We put down some towels next to the slide and another towel was gaffa-taped next to the back door.
They all ran into the bouncy castle and of course, started bouncing around. Martha spied the slide, which had just been soaked in a downpour. I grabbed some towels and dried it. Immediately the children were queueing up to try out the slide which proved more popular than the bouncing. Climbing onto the slide was proving a little tricky for some of them so Keelan gamely stepped in to help them down the slide. Well done Kee!
I think everyone enjoyed themselves, as Matt said afterwards on his facebook page “loves those kids partys with wine…” 🙂