Jake says ‘Dada’

Jake has officially said Dada for the first time :-). He has said things that sound like ‘dada’ but this was definitely the real thing! Of course straight after saying it he continued with ‘mama’ but at least it’s a start.

We took him over Hilly Fields to the swings on Saturday (our second anniversary). He is now over 8 months old so is big enough to fit into the swings safely. It was a lovely crisp day with a bright blue sky and last night’s storm had blown most of the leaves off the trees so they were piled up everywhere. I took the opportunity to take a picture of Jakers surrounded by all the leaves. I’m not sure if he was impressed with being made to lie on a pile of damp smelly leaves as he refused to look at the camera!

We walked past our new house. Yes, we officially have a moving date of 6th December!! Hoorah! We did a little more packing on the Sunday but we are now having trouble finding the space to put boxes. They are all over the shop. In the bedroom piled up behind our bed, in Jake’s room and upstairs in the lounge.

Today I am working from home and writing this in my break. I got as far as Clapham Junction this morning before realising that the weekend engineering works had overrun and the Waterloo service was in chaos. I eventually got back at 10am and holed myself up in the bedroom with the laptop, by the desk next to the obligatory pile of boxes ;-).

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