Jake met Mia yesterday for the first time! He was so excited and immediately climbed onto the bed to give her a big cuddle. He then very gently stroked her head and gave her a little kiss on top of her head. It was the sweetest thing to watch.Later Mia had her first bath and Jake joined her. He washed her little body with his special blue baby sponge.
In the evening when Jake was asleep we took turns cuddling Mia and tried putting her in her moses basket. She is very mellow and falls asleep when cuddled. She doesn’t seem to be a sucky baby like little Jake was. When she has had enough food she comes away and snuggles in for a cuddle.
In the evening after her last feed, we went to bed. It was around 11pm. Mia settled pretty well and awoke around 1am. I gave her a formula feed so that Amy could recharge her batteries. An hour later she had another little feed. She also had a little vomit which was worrying. This happened while changing a particularly pooey nappy.
During the night my sleep was fitful. I kept hearing her making lip-smacking noises which means either is trying to pass wind or she is going to be sick. In the end she was brilliant and slept through until 7am. She had been a little sick in the night which we have consequently been told is to do with mucus residue.
Upon waking, while I got Jake ready for school, she fed for England and has not been sick all day so far. Later on in the afternoon the midwife came and took a look at mother and baby and declared them fit and well.