Jake has done it! On Saturday in front of his Grandparent’s and Mum and Dad he managed to crawl :-). I was playing around with my little radio controlled beetle car to see if he would follow it. Sure enough this tactic worked a treat. He started to heave himself forwards by his arms and soon was moving under his own steam! He hasn’t quite got the hang of moving his legs but it’s groundbreaking stuff for little Jakers!
He is also starting to lift himself up out of the bath and when placed sitting in his cot can heave himself up without too much trouble. I am wondering when he will be able to get himself on his feet from lying prone. When this happens we seriously need to lower the cot. Charbel at work told me how his baby girl had tumbled from the cot after doing just this.
Our flat move has faltered a little and looks like being at the beginning of December. I don’t know how much longer we can cope with the state of the flat. There are stacks of boxes absolutely everywhere. We had an email today from the buyers solicitor querying yet another insignificant detail. It makes me mad!!