Jake has started to stutter. In fact, sometimes he does it for so long that he forgets what he was going to say! At first this was very amusing. However, now that he knows that it gets a laugh he does it for effect!
Amy has read up on this and the advice is to ignore it and it should go away.
Jake had a nice bath yesterday. He sat there clutching Amy’s gold bath bar which he had chosen for her birthday present. Recently it has been difficult to get him out of the bath. He loves splashing around, filling his bath frog with water and watching the bubbles come out.
Jake had two stories last night. ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’ and ‘Dr Dog'(the latter I think may be a little too mature in content for Jake!). Jake was concerned at the end of ‘Bear Hunt’ that the bear was sad. I assured him that the bear was just a little tired and that he was going to sleep until Spring. We then had a conversation in which Jake wanted to know what the seasons were and when the family birthdays were in relation to the seasons. Poppet :-).