It’s the first of October and its roasting hot! Is has been 26 degrees C. We spent the day at Wakehurst with Ben, Adam and Jo. Mia has been saying more words. Glasses, tissue, please and conker. A new one is shoulder while pointing at my head.
Talking of conkers, Jake has been sorting his ‘big bag O conkers’. I came into the kitchen to find them laid out on the kitchen table in small, medium and large piles. Mia continues to be extremely cute at the moment. She comes over for big cuddles and wraps her arms around your neck. She is enjoying her time with Sara, her child minder. After drop off I shoulder her to Sara’s house but she usually prefers to walk. She is quite a quick little walker and is often faster than Jake! At Wakehurst she walked almost everywhere and even when she tripped and cut her knee, her enthusiasm was walking did not abate.