I thought I’d make an entry to mark the occasion. Jake is officially a toddler. He now walks with confidence and more importantly can now get up from a sitting position into a standing position. He has also cut his 11th tooth and the 12th is on its way. Yesterday the poor lambs gums were bleeding as he cut the tooth. He was a little grumpy as can be expected.
Yesterday Jake came to the office to meet the guys! He was very shy upon meeting them but I suppose most babies are when put in a strange environment. We took lunch at The Swan which was very pleasant.
Ads just phoned. Apparently The White Stripes are playing in Brockley at The Rivoli. It must have been a secret gig as they are huge! Ads said there was a long line of people snaking along the road waiting to get in. Delta Blues Gone Wrong comes to Brockley!!