Harvest Festival

Last week was the Harvest Festival performance. It was in the great hall at the back. The chairs were laid out in a large circle with nursery, reception and Year 1 and 2 children performing in the middle.

It kicked off with the children coming in with their gifts which they placed in wicker baskets set around the hall. Jake looked very proud as he came in holding hands with one of the older children.

They sang and danced really well. I thought the Irish Jig was amazing. They held hands in a circle and danced first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. then the girls danced together into the middle and then clapped there hands together as one. Then it was the boys turn. They marched into the middle, clapped hands and march back again. All in perfect timing!

The last song was called ‘The Harvest Song’ which was lovely. Jake admitted afterwards that he didn’t know all the words and so did a little bit of ‘miming’ ;-). I am in the process of putting together a video of the event. This involved me getting to grips with Adobe Premier Pro which, to be honest, is quite complicated.

In fact this project has spurred me on to transferring all my tapes onto a hard drive with a view to editing each one down to a consumable length. I have worked out that I need a 1 TB drive to hold all the tapes in their unedited form. It would be great to actually enjoy the vast amounts of footage I have taken instead of it mouldering in my video bag.

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