As predicted, this morning Amy spied Mia’s fourth tooth, which is residing fairly far back in the gum in her bottom jaw. So she has two in the top and two in the bottom. The two bottom teeth are extremely higgledy-piggledy but I’m sure as they grow they will straighten out nicely.
Mia again was up from 3-4 during which time I gave her milk and tried to settle her back down to sleep which was entirely unsuccessful. I tried the old technique of placing my hand on her bottom while she was in her cot. This calmed her and she lay there nicely but when I took my hand away she got upset and started to cry. In the end Amy took the valiant decision to get up with her. So she took her downstairs for an hour. We think the milk may be making her more congested.
So Amy this morning is suffering after the broken sleep. She had a small lie-in while I got Jake ready for school. He had his breakfast in the lounge while he watched cbeebies(he wanted to watch cbbc but only the ‘naughty’ Tracy Beaker was on). I warmed up his school uniform on the radiator and switched on the heater in the lounge so he could warm up. It was cold and frosty when I looked out of the window and I spent a good five minutes clearing the ice from the car windows.
I forgot to mention but last week Jake wrote the word dinosaur at school without being asked and was taken to show the headmistress who gave him a very special sticker. So proud of him! This week he has been learning to write the letters ‘O’ and ‘J’. His reading is coming on leaps and bounds. Recently he has learnt dad, fast, come, can, run, liz, ben.
At the moment Jake loves Sarah Jane Adventures and the new Series of Doctor Who which is a PG. I find it pretty scary but he is not bothered at all. In particular I find The Weeping Angels extremely sinister. Not sure how long this fad will last but it shows no sign of abating. We have ordered a sonic screwdriver for his Christmas present this year which I’m sure he will love!