Amy flew to the USA this morning. The ash cloud restrictions have been eased in recent days, meaning that flights can resume even with light ash in the atmosphere.
I was expecting the worst with Mia’s bottle feeding. My last attempt wasn’t very successful.
I was going to use the cup but Amy wisely said that it would make my life harder to have to cup feed her during the night. So I decided to persevere with the bottle. I made up the Tommee Tippee bottle and sat down with Mia facing outwards, put Cbeebies on and waited until she was calm. Then I offered the teat which she took and to my amazement she continued to drink until all the milk was gone! There was not a peep out of her, she just sat there drinking heartily as though she had always been drinking from a bottle.
Again this afternoon she put away 4oz in a calm and serene manner. What an amazing baby!
Her routine today:
Woke at 6am then Amy fed her
Took Jake and Mia to school at 8am
Bottle fed Mia at 9.30am just as she was beginning to get tetchy
Put her in her cot at 9.40am
Slept until 12:00pm
Gave her another bottle at 12.30pm
Played until 2pm then I put her in the cot. Immediately went to sleep
Woke at 3.30pm
Fed at 4pm. 5oz
Took her for a walk and to pick up Jake
Slept in the pram 5pm to 5.30pm
Fed at 6.30pm(6oz this time) then a nice play on the baby gym
Sleep at 7.30pm