
It’s back to work tomorrow and I’m feeling a little depressed about the prospect. Jake has been an absolute angel. Yesterday we woke him at midnight to go to Hilly Fields to look at the fireworks over London. He was a little bleary eyed but quite content. He was very excited to see the fireworks when they started to go off.

Recent activities:
Jake comes into a room and says “Hello There!” or “Hello Mate!”
He laughs when the word eyeball is mentioned
He says sit down now Daddy! and pats the floor
He can count up to ten(sometimes)
He kisses things better when they are dropped
He says ahhh when he has a hug
He says sorry when he bumps into you or when he pushes you out of the way

He has just thrown everything off the sofa and then said “Naughty” with a little laugh.
I just heard him walk into the Kitchen and say to Amy “Hello there!”

Yesterday and today he managed to do a poo and a wee in his potty. In fact today we just left him to it. He came into our room and said “wee wee”. I thought he had done a wee on the floor but no he had pooed in his potty. What was amazing was that he didn’t touch the poo after doing it.

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