2020 what can I say…three massive life events…and goodbye

Well as the title indicates what can I say… I’ve recently stopped wearing my wedding ring. I guess that means I’m finally accepting the new order. As far as family life works now, we have an even childcare split of, 50-50, or at least we used to up until March(more of that later). So the …

Autumn is around the corner

It’s mid-October and the mercury has been kind to us. It’s been almost summer-like. Last week Ben, James and myself took the ferry from Dover to cycle in the countryside around Calais. The weather was perfect and stayed at around 17 degrees all day. Even while waiting for the ferry in the evening, it still …

Summer break or should it be BREAK…OUCH

We went camping in June or to be correct ‘glamping’. It was a family affair with Adam, Jo and the boys. Sally, Roy and Ken. The campsite was just under an hours drive away from Adam and Jo’s house in Exeter so we decamped there for the night before arriving en-masse at the Billingsmoor Farm …