As predicted, this morning Amy spied Mia’s fourth tooth, which is residing fairly far back in the gum in her bottom jaw. So she has two in the top and two in the bottom. The two bottom teeth are extremely higgledy-piggledy but I’m sure as they grow they will straighten out nicely. Mia again was …
Category Archives: Mia
Third Tooth
Mia, and her parents have had a rough couple of nights. The cause being that she is full of cold and at the same time she has been cutting her third tooth. This one is in her upper jaw next to her second one. I believe there is a fourth one on the way. Last …
Jake “Radish” – Jake’s name for his dummy Upon arriving home from a rainy cycle commute “Are you worn out Daddy?” When Jake saw my Valentines Day badge “Can I have your Badger?” When a programme has finished on Cbeebies “Can I watch another foalm?” When doing a jigsaw “Yes, I suppose this piece goes …