Well, I’ve kind of succeeded in keeping up the cycling over the winter. Of course the run up to Christmas was a non-starter. So far this year I have done the mega 30 mile commute twice, the other times I have succumbed to the 10k ride to Waterloo station. Every time I do this it …
Category Archives: Cycling
The weather forecast was dry today so I decided to cycle to Bedfont. Now that the osteopath has given me the all clear I can do it with impunity! I woke at around 5.30am, did my ablutions and then made a nice cup of coffee and ate a bowl of porridge with honey. At 6.15am …
I went to the osteopath on Saturday for my first session. I had to strip to my pants while he walked around me and took notes. It sounds worse writing it down like this but I was made welcome and put at ease first. The first ‘diagnosis’ was that my posture was all wrong which …
Frosty start
Pretty cold this morning. When I left the house there was a fine layer of frost on the cars and trees. Amy and Jake were both sleeping like babes as I closed the door with a gentle ‘snnk’. Later I was to find out that it was not that gentle as the noise woke Amy …
I looked out of the window this morning. No frost but looking a little grey and drizzly. I put on my bib longs, new buff and merino top. Out on the road it wasn’t cold at all. I didn’t need to put the buff into balaclava mode, but actiing as a scarf it did a …
The cost of cycling is scary part 2
At around this time last year I decided to carry out an inventory of all my cycling related purchases. I wanted to see when I was going to ‘break even’ in terms of reduced travelling outgoings. Back then I was cycling into Clapham Junction. Now I cycle into Waterloo which is in zone 1 and …
First Day of Cycling
Yesterday I bought my new travelcard which excluded Zone 1. This meant I had no option but to cycle. The weather has been so bad recently and true to form it was pouring down this morning on my first outing. I have decided to ease myself into it and will cycle to Brockley for a …
Long Weekend
A bank holiday weekend has come and gone in a flash! Amy is away in Texas for a couple of days and I am holding the fort. Little Jake is much better now and on really good form. On the plus side he has been sleeping all night without waking and on the minus side …