
The weather forecast was dry today so I decided to cycle to Bedfont. Now that the osteopath has given me the all clear I can do it with impunity! I woke at around 5.30am, did my ablutions and then made a nice cup of coffee and ate a bowl of porridge with honey. At 6.15am I left the house. It was around 5 degrees. This is a good cycling temperature and after 10 minutes I was warm and cosy. Even the finger-tips warmed up. I was wearing my long sleeved merino top for the first time this season plus my faithful Tangent jacket. On the lower half I had my newly purchased cheap lycra shorts and my Ronhill Bikesters on top.

As I got into the environs of Richmond and Twickenham the temperature dropped. Thick frost could be seen on the ground as I cycled through Crane Park. My feet begin to resemble blocks of ice but luckily the hands were okay.

I arrived at the office at exactly 8.00am which was pretty good considering I had a detour at Putney due to the roadworks AND was caught behind a road sweeper in Crane Park of all places!

The journey home was uneventful. It was pretty cold and as I was approaching Peckham(if it’s going to happen it will happen there) my legs started to feel wobbly. Early signs of a bonk I thought. Not sure why as I ate like a horse at lunch time. Maybe it was the cold weather and my body was using more energy to keep warm. Anyway I managed to pull myself together and make it home by 6.30pm.

Jake was having his story read to him so I went up and read him another one, namely The Book Eating Boy, which is his fave at the moment. He likes the bit where the boy gets sick after eating too many books. Chew, chew, gulp, green, greener, greenest, hurl!!

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