Boo boo

Oh dear. I made a boo boo today. I was feeling very pleased with myself. Single-handledly(well almost) I had fed and clothed Jake and got all his school things together, ready to leave the house at 8am on the dot. Amy came too because we were to have a nice coffee at Luke’s mums Brazilian coffee shop in Catford.

The journey there was uneventful and we found a nice parking spot just off Faversham Road near the school.
Jake jumped out of the car. Amy looked down at him and exclaimed “Why is Jake in those shoes!!” Inadvertently I had put Jake’s casual trainers on instead of his regulation black school shoes. Jake looked down and repeated what Amy has said. I was lost for words. At this point Jake did not want to go to school without his proper shoes and was starting to get upset. I was feeling wretched at making my son feel self-conscious. Amy persuaded him to go into school while I went back for the shoes.

It was a speedy journey there and back. But I regained my status by walking into the school playground with shoes AND water bottle(that had been left in the car) just as the school bell rang! Hooray! Daddy points regained!

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