
We took Jake to see his first film today. It was a little touch and go because there was horrendous traffic on the way to Greenwich, so we missed the earlier showing. We ducked into Starbucks where Jake had a babyccino. After this we continued our journey. We arrived at the cinema with half an hour to spare. Armed with our 3D glasses we treated ourselves to some sweets form the pick ‘n’ mix. Jake chose a blue dolphin which he devoured immediately.

In the cinema Jake donned his glasses and we started to watch the adverts. The 3D effect was very good. When the film started Jake started to get a little scared and kept either jumping at unexpected noises or started to flap his hands when something was going to happen to Penny. I kept telling Jake that everything was alright and Bolt would save the day.

Jake was brilliant all the way through and only spoke out loud a couple of times. Once when he excitedly saw a character from the film Cars he said “Daddy, I have seen those cars before!”. Also he got excited when he saw Wall-E.

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