
On Sunday we went to Bluewater with Granny Janet. Amy bought herself some new outfits while I went to meet mum. Later we took Jakey to a toy shop and he was in his element. He started by chatting away but gradually it got louder and louder as he got more excited by the things in the shop. We picked out a few mobiles and he chose the one he liked. Granny also bought him some new clothes for the summer and a nice rattly grab toy. As if he wasn’t lucky enought already we bought him an activity centre that attached to his car seat. Hopefully he can now while away the hours in the car playing instead of his customary sleeping.

Bluewater seems to be expanding every time I visit. Mum told us about a small lake nearby within the Bluewater grounds that had some different ducks and geese. It was absolutely roasting on the way over there but nice and shady once we arrived. We fed the ducks and Canada geese. Jake was studying them intently and enjoying the experience. He is so alert and aware of his environment now and seems to take everything in. I shall end this by saying ‘what a lamb kebob’!!

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