Before I forget. Jake’s latest developments recorded for posterity. I wonder if this blog will still be around when he is my age? uummm. One to ponder on… Standing firmly for as long as 30-40 seconds Writhing when he doesn’t want to be carried Inching around the kitchen using the worktop as a hand-hold Being …
Author Archives: jmwollny
Easter Weekend
It has been a fantastic Easter Weekend. The weather was superb, with the mercury hovering around 20 degrees celcius. We had C&C over on Thursday evening. They were joined by Vic as well so it was a full house. It was good that we spent last weekend getting the spare room in order because we …
I am One
No it’s not a Smashing Pumpkins song(although it is). Jake is now 1 year 1 week and 3 days old. Since turning one he has accelerated his development. He stands for moments at a time when he feels the need to. The other day he stood up in the bath and did the “look no …
Clapping and other things
Amy took Jake to a music class last week and he learnt to clap. It was part of the SureStart scheme but unfortunately Ames and Jake cannot go back there because our particular road does not come under the scheme rules :-(. Jake is pulling himself up and standing. The other day he stood for …
Jake is 11 months old today :-). Jake came up with a rash Monday night and by Tuesday it had covered most of his body. We took him to the Doctor who said that he may have measles but it was probably a viral rash. Later on in the afternoon more bumpy spots had appeared …
Jake is poorly
Jake is poorly again. This weekend he has been running a low fever and sleeping a lot. He seems to lack energy and has gone off his food somewhat. This makes meal times rather stressful. Last night wasn’t too bad. He woke a couple of times but sent himself back to sleep. We have decided …
Jake has been a delight recently. He laughs and giggles and the most strange objects. The other day Amy was opening and closing her camera case and he was having hysterics. He is so aware of his environment now. He is taking it all in, like a little sea sponge. We put up his toy …
Ear infection
It’s been quite a week. Little Jakey has been poorly. He has been sleeping in Amy’s arms during the day and has no energy. It’s so sad because when he tries to crawl he’ll get halfway across the floor and then his little head will just flop down :-(. Amy took him to the Doctor’s …
Draughty Floorboards
When we moved into our house it seemed like the Siberian tundra existed under the hall floorboards. Cold draughts were constantly wafting up between the substantial gaps in the boards and eliminating any efficacy of the hallway radiator. Looking down into the floor void on a sunny day I could see the air vent which …
9 months 3 weeks 3 days
I was greeted this morning by Jake sitting upright in his cot holding onto the bars. He really seems to have improved since he started to crawl properly. Of course this brings with it stress for us as he is forever pulling himself up onto things that he shouldn’t. Things like : his toy chest, …