Saturday was horrendous. There I was trudging across Hilly Fields at 8.50am for my appointment with the osteopath. It was windy, it was rainy and it was stormy. Luckily the storm blew itself out by midday. My osteopath appointment was interesting. He realigned my spine, which alarmingly involved twisting my lower back in a single …
Author Archives: jmwollny
The weather forecast was dry today so I decided to cycle to Bedfont. Now that the osteopath has given me the all clear I can do it with impunity! I woke at around 5.30am, did my ablutions and then made a nice cup of coffee and ate a bowl of porridge with honey. At 6.15am …
I went to the osteopath on Saturday for my first session. I had to strip to my pants while he walked around me and took notes. It sounds worse writing it down like this but I was made welcome and put at ease first. The first ‘diagnosis’ was that my posture was all wrong which …
Laying the floor in the nursery
On Sunday Amy persuaded me to get cracking with laying the wooden floor in the box room. We have only two more weekends to get everything done before baby Mia arrives. I have never laid this type of flooring before but after some research on the Internet I made a start. I started by laying …
We went to the see the fireworks at Blackheath this Saturday. Originally we were going to have drinks at Ben and charlotte’s but this was cancelled because Charlotte went down with the flu. The next plan was that Ben would be taking Antonia and we would be meeting up beforehabnd so that we could walk …
Oh my god I’ve done it.
I have gone somewhere I vowed I would never go. A place darker than the Marianas trench. A pit of wrong, somewhere I should have never gone. I have bought my first pair of lycra cycling shorts… Before you dismiss me and shake your head in despair, please understand it was an experiment, just to …
Sleepless night for all
It was a strange old night. Jake kept waking up and calling for us. When I went in he was very hot and sweaty but perfectly fine in himself. After the fifth time of hearing “Daddy” I went into his room. Jake said “Daddy, when glass breaks it is sharp. There is glass in the …
Getting the nursery ready
I checked the weather forecast yesterday and it said heavy rain so I took Dewey 2 out of retirement, much to the chagrin of Dewey 1. This morning though, the sun was shining. It was a perfect autumnal setting for a nice commute to Richmond. However I decided that my knees needed a rest and …
Half term
Jake has been missing school during his half-term break. I wonder how long that will last! I took three days off last week so that we could spend some time together as a family. Also Amy had her training so I looked after Jake. We went into London and first of all we went to …
Thames Ride
After spending an age trying to actually get out of the house, we emerged at 11ish for a day of exploration by bike. It was a lovely morning. Good enough for shorts. We left Amy in the house resting. She has put her back out so was taking advantage of my last day at home. …