Well Amy’s birthday weekend has come and gone. Is was very hectic on Saturday after Amy had left for chocolate making. We had a full house complete with two toddlers and a baby. The birthday book that I had painstakingly put together arrived at last from photobox. My initial excitement turned to dismay when I looked at the cover and saw a glaring typo. Instead of birthday it said brithday. I was gutted and spent the rest of the afternooon trying to disguise the mistake. In the end I scanned in the cover and printed out the correct text. I then cut out the little rectangle of text and glued it onto the cover. Not a brilliant solution but it worked nonetheless.
Debbie arrived while I was buying some provisions from Sainsburg’s. She was initially a little worried when she realised that she was to be babysitting not one but two toddlers. Jake went to bed without a hitch and gaily waved me goodbye while he sat on his bed with his new story “The story-telling fish”. Matt and Esther put Tess to bed themselves before setting off and she went to bed without a peep.
Adam and I left rather later than we wanted to but made it to the Clerkenwell Kitchen bang on 7.30pm when the meal was due to start. The seating arrangements were very well thought out by Amy. Luca was in heaven between Mona and (lovely)Jo. Deon and Paul chatted happily and Andy was on fine form :-). A couple of others who will remain nameless imbibed rather a lot of alcohol and one started making inappropriate comments to the other guests while the other drunkenly capered outside the restaurant while letting of vast amounts of wind ;-). We managed to make the necessary minimum spend though which was a relief.