I thought we had turned a corner. On Friday Jake was sleeping around 4 hours in the night. This meant that we had just two feeds to give him. However, on Sunday night he started to feed every 2 hours again. This is probably a growth spurt but it coincided with an increase in crying and restlessness. We have tried everything to calm him down. Changing his nappy, giving him a feed, giving him a cuddle. Usually the dummy will work for a short while before he creases his body and starts crying again.
The crying usually subsides when he is picked up. He seems to prefer the upright position as opposed to lying horizontal. I have read that this is something all babies go through but it is very frustrating and upsetting for us to see him in this distressed state :-(. We thought that maybe he has colic but have read that this generally appears after the first month. Other than the restlessness he is healthy and passing lot’s of urine.
Yesterday I lay him on my chest on the Slider Glider and he fell into a contented sleep. I didn’t want to move in case he woke. I think he stayed that way for over two hours. Later on we may take Jake for a walk. I think it’s important to not let him sleep the day away and give him some stimulation. As I write this he is moaning in his moses basket although I think these are pre-sleep grunts. He is such an angel!