Today I left work at 3.30pm having arrived well before 8am. It was great to leave early because the traffic was so light. I kept wondering where all the cyclists were on this lovely summers morning, then realised, they were still in bed because it was so bloody early!On the way in to Feltham the weather turned and it started to rain…heavily. Yes, the one time I didn’t bring my waterproof jacket it pissed down. It wasn’t too bad and was quite refreshing although at home-time my kit was still damp.
The evening commute was something of a record. Last week I broke the 2 hour barrier and today I smashed it at 1 hour 53 minutes with an average speed of 15mph. I think I must have had a fair wind behind me because I did the slightly longer 26 mile route or was it because I was using Ben’s big ring, high gear technique when the road conditions favoured it?
When I got in Amy was putting the lambs to bed. Mia promptly woke and got into a right old state, tossing and turning and flipping herself over. In the end we took her downstairs and played in the garden where it was nice and cool. An hour later she went to sleep amid furious protestations. I think she has a little bit of tummy ache. Today was the first day she tried strawberries. So maybe these had upset her tummy.
About 10 minutes ago as I was about to get myself a San Miguel from the ‘beer fridge’. I heard Jake calling me on the landing. It transpired that he had pooed himself. He had diarrhea earlier so I think he has eaten something dodgy or got a stomach bug :-(. I changed his sheets and bedding while he rested in our bed. Now he is fast asleep on my side of the bed :-).