Yesterday after 10 days of no poo, Jake decided to let rip. What a relief it was for both parents and for the bairn! Within seconds his little face looked relaxed and contented. It was so good to see it after all the days of red faced straining and pained expressions :-(.

Jake ironically had quite a restless night last night or at least he seemed to have. Amy took over 100% doing the feeding and nappy changes in preparation of my return to work tomorrow. This morning it was no surprise that she looked absolutely shattered. So that she could get some sleep for at least a couple of hours(what bliss) I took Jake on a shopping trip to Tescos in Lewisham. I decided to take the sling which actually worked very well. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to pick things up and put them in the trolley but it was fine. The little angel slept the whole time and had admiring glances from the lady at the checkout.
When I got home Jake was due a feed so Amy duly complied. Afterwards a nappy change was the order of the day. By this time Jake was a little fractious. He weed on his new nappy and then weed across the floor of his room. Now he was really starting to cry. We checked his rash and applied some Sudocrem and my home-made lotion(for recipe see end of entry).
After dressing the little man he calmed down and has been sleeping soundly ever since. He is now languishing in the moses basket in the lounge.
Nappy lotion(lasts 2-3 days)
- 1 freshly brewed and cooled pot of camomile tea
- 1 tablespoon of Olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 2-3 drops of Lavender oil