It’s the tail end of February and I’ve just realised that this years photo February project has passed me by. Photo March has a nice ring and the days will be longer and hopefully a little warmer. It’s been an odd sort of month. I was off sick for a week. Amy was ill at the same time too which is unheard of in our family. Amy had tonsilitus. I had tonsilitus and later on in the same week a campylobacter infection caused most likely by eating a raw burger in the Tav. Ben went down with the same thing so it’s pretty much a dead cert that this is where we got it.
To add insult to injury last weekend after a long ride out to Biggin Hill I succumbed to another painful stomach bug. Fingers-crossed I am over the worst now. We can thank our lucky stars that during our bouts of illness the children were fine and dandy.
The last couple of weeks have been freezing cold. I haven’t been out on the bike even though I swore to myself that I would keep going through the vagaries of a British winter. As previously mentioned I went for an early(6.30am eek!) ride with Ben and James last Saturday. I suffered a partial bonk and parts of my body were hurting that I never knew could hurt. This ride should stand me in good stead for my 30 mile commute into work tomorrow. Thankfully the weather has warmed up to!
I was looking after Mia last week during the ‘official’ half-term break. She is such a little poppet but with quite a diva streak! Her latest sayings are
“I don’t like it” while shaking her head.
“Yummy, I like it!”.
“Binish” when her milk has finished at which point she gives me the empty bottle.
“Gok!” when she wants to go for a walk.
Jake is off this week because his school have their half-term a week after everybody else. DK has come down to look after him for a couple of days. Yesterday he went to see Journey 2 and then to Pizza Express. Today he has been to the Greenwich Observatory and then to see The Muppets. What a lucky boy!
Jake has started to actually read to himself. And not just any old story a proper book, namely, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix! Talking of Harry Potter, Jake is having a joint party with Antonia with a Harry Potter theme. Jake’s robe and tie arrived yesterday which he was very excited about.