The Wollny household has been in turmoil. First of all I came down with a mystery(to this day) illness which caused intense abdominal pain. Thiswent on for a couple of days and horrible sleepless nights until I took myself off to A&E to be checked out. They did lots of tests, namely urine, blood and ECG. They felt around and prodded a bit but were at a loss as to the cause.
The next day of went to see Dr Benard at Hilly Fields clinic. He gave a thorough examination and prescribed some rather excellent pain killers which left me feeling rather spacey or more importantly in no pain. I had the week off work while I rested. I weened myself off the Tramadol and happily the pain had gone. I have an ultrasound later in the month at the hospital though so maybe they experts will find the cause.
Last week Mia and Jake were at Granny’s while Amy got on with her marking work. We had a call on Monday to say that Mia was in A&E having stitched. She had fallen on their clasted glass coffee table, gashed her head and subsequently needed three stitches in the her bonce. Poor Lady M! Today Amy and Sally are taking her to have her stitches taken out.
I have now lost count of Mia’s teeth. Last week she had three pop through I think! Her baby signing is also very cute. When she is cold/or wet she puts her arms around her and wiggles from side to side. When she has a pain she points to the area with her finger.
Jake has started school and after a wobbly start he is fine. I say fine, but we are all full of colds at the moment. He has a rather fruity hacking cough.