Various observations of toddler Mia.
Mia said “Goodbye Daddy” for the first time today!
Other words include “cheers” or “chz”, “upsy daisy”, “dooown” when she wants to get down.
She was been doing her signing for “more” which can mean more or that she generally wants something. She has been getting very frustrated because she understands a good deal but cannot communicate what she wants, so she usually ends up squealing or bucking on the floor.
Her walking is fantastic now. Once she stood up there was no stopping her!
She has got quite attached to her taggie which could be because when Tricia was babysitting she forgot to put it in her cot 🙁
Last night Mia woke with suspected sore gums. I plucked her up and put her in pur bed. She lay resting in the middle of us and was asleep in no time. Pet lamb!
She like things done her way. She is very particular with her morning milk routine. Milk, bib, cushion to rest on in the correct place on the sofa, blanket. Sorted!